Yukari Ayaka, 彩華ゆかり
Actress Name:
Yukari Ayaka
Birthday: 09/13
Height: 156 cm
Bust / Waist / Hips:
B: 85cm W: 59cm H: 86cm
Blood Type: A
Yukari Ayaka, 彩華ゆかり, New UNRELEASED No Mosaic PISSING Video, THE未公開 ~流れ出る私のおしっこ~
Kabukicho-Girls.com. Between scenes the camera crew convinces Yukari to let them video her taking a piss in the studio shower. She gets paid and their hentai desires are satisfied. And so are ours! Enjoy this previously unreleased video of Yukari Ayaka getting some much needed relief from all the water she’s been drinking today.
Vシネマ出身の美女である彩華ゆかりがしみじみ汁を尿道から放出してくれました。 「おしっこ行きたくなって来たんだけど…」とトイレに行きたがる彼女を引き止めお風呂場でするようにいうと、最初は恥ずかしそうにしながらも、自分でオマンコを触って尿意が抑えなくなると…。