Nanako Asahina, 朝比奈菜々子
Actress Name:
Nanako Asahina, 朝比奈菜々子
Birthday: 03/23
Height: 153 cm
Bust / Waist / Hips:
B: 83cm W: 57cm H: 85cm
Blood Type: A
僕の彼女が朝比奈菜々子だったら ~ボクを好き過ぎてアナルもOK~
If My Girlfriend Is Nanako Asahina
Nanako Asahina loves me so much that lets me fuck her anal. She is very cute and relaxed with the sweet voice like coming from animation. Her great play starts with the nice and shy blowjob. Her pussy has few pubic hair only. A fucking round trip between her anal and vagina.